Nov 14Home Organizing9 Effortless Ways to Purge Clothing for a Functional Closet“I do not have anything to wear!” We often hear this as the person laments while a lot of clothes are strewn about, on the bed, down the flo
Nov 12【Family Cycling Routes】Beginner Biker Looking for a Family Day Trip Plan? Here are 5 Family-Friendly cycling spots!天氣開始放晴,趁着假日,不妨去戶外踩踩單車,吹吹風的同時又可以放鬆身心。如果你是剛學踩單車、又或者想找個適合親子遊的單車徑,哪條路線最適合呢?24 STORAGE 為你整理 5條新手踩單車好去處,讓你踩得盡興又安全!
Nov 12【24 SPACE Special】5 Tips to Know When Choosing a Shared Workspaces in Hong Kong在更追求自由彈性的工作文化下,靈活工作模式越來越受到人們追捧。許多自由職業者及創業者都會選擇高靈活性和性價比的共享工作空間,作為他們的創業基地與辦公平台。怎樣才能選擇最適合自己的工作空間呢?這次就讓24 SPACE跟你分享5個理想共享工作空間該具備的條件吧!